sábado, 18 de setembro de 2021

The Junior de Monica Murphy


Demorei a ler este livro e a culpa é inteiramente minha, porque os livros da Monica são bem fáceis de ler e são mesmo bons de se ler, tenho imensa pena que por cá (Portugal) não tenham sido editados porque iam gostar de certeza absoluta. Temos a história de Caleb e de Gracie, ele só gosta de ter as miúdas só para sexo, e ela não está virada para o Caleb, ambos acabam por trabalhar juntos no mesmo sítio e acabam por ter que lidar um e com o outro, até que o Caleb vai mudando a sua maneira de pensar e começa a gostar de Gracie, o problema é que a Gracie não acredita nele, o que seria normal não é? É uma história bem fofinha como eu gosto de ler da Monica, Peço imensa desculpa a autora e também à Kim por ter demorar um pouco a ler, mas infelizmente a ressaca literária bateu-me à porta.
It took me a while to read this book and it's entirely my fautl, because Monica's books are very easy to read and are really good to read, I'm very sorry that around here (Portugal) they haven't been edited because they would like it absolutely. We have the story of Caleb and Gracie, he just likes habing the girls just for sex, and she's not turned to Caleb, they both end up working together in the same place and end up habing to deal with each other, until that Caleb changes his way of thinking and starts to like Gracie, the problem is that Gracie doesn't believe in him, which would be normal right? It's a very cute story as I like to read from Monica, I'm really sorry to the author and also to Kim for taking a while to read, but unfortunately the literary hangover knocked on my door.

Caleb Burke. Charming. Funny. Sexy. Major player - both on the field and with the ladies. I hate him. Well, not really. I resist his so-called charms because I recognize them. We’re a lot alike, Caleb and I. He’s afraid of commitment? Me too. A giant flirt? Same here. He knows how to party? I am the absolute queen of the party. Until I realize it’s time for me to grow up and become a responsible adult. I’ll be student teaching next year, so to save money, I move in with my two new roommates -- Eli Bennett and Caleb. Then I find a summer job -- where Caleb works. Soon, I'm spending almost every single day with the guy. He’s growing on me too. We’ve always had this unspoken chemistry brewing between us. When we finally give in to it, it’s just as spectacular as I secretly predicted. The sex, and everything else, keeps getting better and better between us too. But can I really take this guy seriously? Or am I only setting myself up to fail?

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